More than any other piece of furniture and because of its frequent use, a chair is moved, pushed, rocked, ill-used… And it ends up becoming wobbly, unstuck, the spindles broken,. The restoration of seats and chairs calls for re-attaching, repairing and reinforcing the worn parts so that the piece regains its solidity and its comfort. In this gallery, you will discover photos illustrating the stages in their restoration.

Restauration de fauteuils Bistrot

Restoration of Bar Chairs

Here are two original bar chairs labeled "Jacob & Josef Kohn Vienne". They were made with the same principle as ...
Fauteuil Dagobert après restauration

Restoration of a Dagobert Armchair

This amazing armchair with its sculptures in a rococo style was completely in pieces when it arrived in my workshop ...
Restauration de fauteuils en merisier massif

Restoration of Antique Armchairs in Cherrywood

Restoration of a pair Directoire armchairs in solid cherrywood, originally with straws seats then later upholstered. Their very original shape ...
Restauration de fauteuils anciens

Restoration of Charles X Armchairs

In a sad state, these armchairs necessitated a great amount of restoration work (on a razor's edge!) to prepare them ...
Patine sur bergères Louis XVI

Restoration of Louis XVI Wing Chairs

After restoring the armchairs, I cleaned the yellowed, painted patina and revived it with a new one ...
Restauration d'un canapé Directoire

Restoration of Directory armchairs

Restoration of Directory armchairs and sofa in cherry wood. Dismantling of the seat to restore and upholster it ...