This is a Mazarin desk in kingwood that was bleached to produce its very pleasant blond aspect. The implantation of unbleached circular spaces enhances the top, the back part and the sides. These circles are made up of inlaid kingwood cut into “sausages slices”, that is round parts obtained by cutting crosswise through the trunk.
This process, readily employed in the 17th and 18th centuries in particular, give the desk extra originality and an exceptional finish after polishing with a sponge.
In addition to the drawers and the opening on the recessed façade, a two-par lock system on the desktop opens a door decorated with lozenges of silver fillets. It reveals two drawers also decorated with lozenges, them as well in silver fillets, just like all the fillet inlays on this desk. The 4-sided base, in wood cut slantwise, rests on ball feet connected by a strut.
This is a high-quality piece of furniture, even if just for the veneer’s value and organisation. I terminated with a discolouration of the restored parts and a sponge-applied varnish all over the entire piece.